A Full-Stack of Pancakes

My Journey as a Full-Stack Web Developer

Job Offer Accepted!

I have some exciting news!

UNabstracting Doggo..

Today, I found out that trying to make a project LESS abstract is really frustrating and confusing. For my first Rails portfolio project, I decided to try to push my boundaries and add a bunch of AJAX magic to the app. This was important to me at the time because I thought the app would have felt terrible without it. I still feel that way.. but I found out too late that I can’t use the same JS implementation in my Rails JS Assessment. I used the remote: true solution for all of my AJAX goodness and OF COURSE the requirements for the JS Assessment explicitly state “Do not use remote: true.” AWESOME.

Click here for Dogs.

Hey guys! Sorry it has been so long since my last post but the last few weeks have been craaaazy. Work + School + House-hunting is a full time gig! To be honest, this is going to be a very short blog post because I need to get back to work!

Deploying your SQLite3 Sinatra App to Heroku using PostgreSQL

Hello everyone! I learned so much today and I thought I should share it with all of you!

Sinatra - Star Citizen Hangars

Hey everyone! It has been a while since my last blog post and I’ve missed you! ;P . Today’s post is about Sinatra and my new web app built on the framework. Although it pales in comparison to Rails, this was my first experience with a relatively large framework in Ruby. Learning the conventions and DSL of Sinatra was fun and it makes me look forward to working more with Rails!